Friday, January 13, 2017

Side Effects to Quick Extreme Weight Loss

Many people look at themselves and can't help but try to find the fastest way to shred that fat off of their body. They will look around for the best fat burner pill, eat less, or even completely stop eating for a few days. To be honest, yes these things do work from time to time, but not many take the time to sit down and actually research what it is they are doing to their bodies. They don't understand how present choices can affect their future. In this article I will discuss a couple of simple side effects that people who decide to lose weight way too fast can end up facing.
(Note: Doctors recommend at most to lose weight between 2-3 pounds a week. Anything beyond is detrimental to your health.)
So let us lay down the good about losing weight fast.


1.) You will drop the weight in no time.
2.) You will get to your desired weight within weeks
3.) You will finally fit into those jeans you really like
4.) You won't spend so much money on food
5.) People will easily notice your change
Now let us look at the Cons


1.) Low resting blood pressure
2.) Headache
3.) Sore throat
4.) Fatigue or lack of energy
5.) Missed period
6.) Constipation
7.) Blood Shot eyes
8.) Rapid and frequent mood changes
9.) Increase in stress
10.) Insomnia
11.) Vomiting or nausea
12.) Depression
Note: Everything being discussed is during the event. This does not even include the possible long-term effects.

As you can see the majority, if not all, of the positive outlooks are solely based upon the persons own personal view. From dropping weight to fit into those jeans to finally getting down to that weight on the scale. Many people don't take into account the side effects extreme weight loss has on the body. Not only does it shock it in the wrong way but by doing this you manage to drop your resting blood pressure. This drops the amount of blood your brain is receiving which is the first step to a stroke. This then leads to many side effects while attempting to drop weight. You become tired for every little thing affecting your daily life from not wanting to work efficiently at work to not caring about other's concerns.
 Your mood changes as if you were bi-polar from loving one thing to hating it the next. This makes life that much more difficult to cope with. Then we have one of the worst, insomnia. Not only do you have bad days, you can't even sleep it out because this weight loss is keeping you up. From here you have no energy because you have not slept much and now everything is truly effected. You name it driving, walking, work, bills, chores, etc.

This is just some simple ideas that should open your eyes and at least make you ask yourself once "Is it really worth it?". In this case I would hope you recall your choice and choose a more life changing way which benefits you positively rather than negatively.

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